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December 22, 2022

Interview: Goddess Lilith – Over Two Decades of Domination and No Signs of Stopping

Goddess Lilith is a name that commands respect.

An award-winning, internationally renowned, and bicoastal Dominatrix, Luxury Mistress and Fetish Model, Kink Educator, Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master, Harvard graduate, and author of the book How I Make BANK as A Foot Model (And You Can, Too!), Goddess Lilith has survived and thrived in the adult industry for over twenty years.

What’s the secret to her longevity?

No doubt the Goddess has a strong work ethic but what really keeps her relevant and in demand is her passion and commitment to being a true artist. Read on to learn more about the fascinating woman who not only shines in adult, but also kicks ass as a singer for the heavy metal band Sorrowseed.

How did you get started and what brought you to the industry?

It was the fall of 1998 when I was surfing the web and saw a news article about JenniCam, who was pretty much the first woman on the Internet to set up what was referred to then as a “lifecasting” site. She left her webcams on 24/7 to capture whatever she was doing in her home. This immediately intrigued me, and not long after checking her out, I also discovered Ana Voog, a visual artist and singer directly inspired by JenniCam. She presented herself in a very artistic way that I immediately and deeply vibed with. Upon seeing her site, I also wanted to do this exciting new thing.

I’m not sure exactly why or what so strongly compelled me other than my fascination with all of it. Still, a couple of months later, I bought my first webcam, purchased a domain name, learned how to encode simple HTML, and launched my very own 24/7 lifecasting site in 1999. This was long before the Internet could handle streaming video. The best that could be done back then was to add a line of code to make the webpage refresh every 30 seconds with a low-resolution static webcam image that was being constantly uploaded to the server – and of course, there was no audio, so I communicated with my viewers using chat programs like ICQ and IRC!

A setup like this was a new use of Internet technology at the time, and I found that most of my viewers were there just because they were as fascinated with the concept as I was. At any time of the day, they could look in and see if I was sitting at my desk, eating, sleeping, or performing for the camera. Later, I enlisted a nerdy friend’s help, who helped me set up four security cameras in my home. After that, I got an account with CCBill and started my very own (and one of the first) 24/7 cam houses. I’d have hot friends over, and we’d do all kinds of fun shows together, and one of them moved in with me for a while, so you can imagine all the things we got into.

The rest is history. I’m still here living my life every day on the Internet, on my own little stage, and winning awards for it as well. Have to say it’s pretty surreal!

You are qualified in so many areas and do so many interesting things. How do you juggle it all and prioritize, what’s your favorite of them all and why?

My first love will always be music.

I’ve been playing instruments since age five and fronting bands since I was 14. But, if I could have any one thing to make my life feel truly complete, it would be singing in an extremely internationally successful band touring the world.

What is it you hope to convey most when teaching others about the industry and the world of kink?

There can be a lot of misconceptions and illusions when it comes to both the adult industry and the world of kink – my genuine hope is to provide as much truthful and accurate information as possible to both consumers and creators.

In the kink world, for example, I often see untrained individuals with little to no knowledge or regard for basic safety protocols calling themselves professional Dominants.

Unfortunately, there is no barrier to entry in this business – anyone can set up social media accounts and proclaim themselves to be whatever they want – and ultimately, consumers and fellow creators alike can get taken advantage of, hurt, or abused by such individuals – and their bad experiences can cause them to become jaded or bitter towards the whole lifestyle and industry. Therefore, I educate consumers as much as possible on the importance of doing their due diligence before they blindly send money for services they may or may not receive.

Within the industry, I try to caution new professionals to carefully consider who they work and collaborate with because sometimes people are not who they say they are. There are a lot of wonderful people in this field, but there are also many predatory, toxic individuals out there as well.

After two decades of working in the industry, I’ve seen and experienced the entire spectrum when collaborating with others, from the absolute best to the absolute worst. So, no matter which side of the industry you’re in, whether creator or consumer, it’s essential to use your wits and your gut to stay safe when working and playing out there.

It’s also imperative to do your homework before you start advertising yourself — read and research as much as possible about what you’re getting into, consider taking classes and workshops, attend industry events, and find a mentor or teacher.

Please don’t claim to be a professional at something if you don’t have adequate experience – and before you choose your performer name, make sure it’s not already being used by someone else! To that end, if you don’t want anyone else coming along and stealing your name – get it trademarked if you intend to stick around for a while. I’ve had many performers come along and try to steal my name over the years, and trademarking was totally worth it.

How did you hook up the partnership with “Locked in Lust” and how do you secure partnerships like this that work well with your brand?

They actually approached me after seeing some of my infamous cuckolding and chastity videos!

Whenever a brand or company comes to me for a partnership, I consider what they’re offering and if it’s something that I’m genuinely on board with that fits my brand. I never start relationships that I’m not genuinely interested in.

You’re in a death metal band, Sorrowseed, what has touring been like, and what do you enjoy most about it?

Touring life is simultaneously the most amazing thing ever and also the most uncomfortable, unpleasant thing you could fathom.

Imagine living your life from a suitcase in a constantly moving vehicle crammed in with several other bodies, sometimes not getting to shower every day, sleeping in airports, continually having to deal with border control and immigration, eating total garbage, or not eating at all for long periods – all the while trying to maintain your health because if you get sick, you can’t just take a day off.

That being said, I love it. It’s a constant adventure that takes me to all kinds of unique places, and I’d happily spend more of my life doing it in a heartbeat. I am absolutely my best, most ideal version of myself when I’m performing on a stage. Heavy metal is a very powerful kind of music, and the feelings it creates while performing it live are nothing short of Godlike.

You graduated from Harvard with a degree in Liberal Arts and a focus in Drama. How has that education helped or hindered you in your current career?

It’s absolutely helped my overall business sense, as well as my public speaking and acting skills. So, it’s never hindered me in any way, although I did experience someone trying to use my Ivy League education against me in a very public way once.

In 2006 I appeared on NBC for the “Dr. Keith Show.” Live in front of the audience and the whole world watching, after opening the subject of what I did for work, he wildly exclaimed, “But you went to HARVARD!” as if I were somehow wasting my education or was too intelligent to be in adult entertainment. I was furious and knew that he was saying it to add controversy and create judgment towards me – I could see the headlines of the episode promos appearing in my head – “Former Harvard Student Turns to the Seedy World of Adult Entertainment” – but despite my anger, I played it off casually, chose my words carefully, and turned the tide back in my favor, so that there was nothing to make a headline out of.

It was almost a nightmare, but thankfully I had my wits about me. My friends at home watching were nearly as angry as I was for what he had tried to do but applauded me for how I handled it. After the show, I had many parents of teenage kids writing to me and telling me they thought I was very mature and appreciated my candor and honesty on the subject. I certainly gained some new fans that day, along with a healthy dose of skepticism for mainstream media opportunities.

Talk to us about writing your book and in one sentence – how you make bank as a foot model!

Writing a book about foot modeling was never part of my life plan – it just happened during 2020 when dozens of my friends from all walks of life approached me desperate for advice because they’d lost their jobs and wanted to try foot modeling, specifically. I included my backstory at the beginning of the book and then laid out the exact blueprint needed to get started. I am pleased to say the guide has helped a lot of people! I never imagined winning an award for it – that was deeply awesome.

As for the one sentence sum up:

The feet are one of the most secretly appreciated parts of the body – no matter what your feet look like, they are someone’s type, and if you put them out there – they will be worshipped!

Follow Goddess Lilith on her website at GoddessLilith.com, her Twitter @GoddessLilith66, Instagram @GoddessLilithDomme, Snapchat @Goddess.Lilith, and Facebook @GoddessLilithDomme. Check out her book “How I Make BANK As A Foot Model (And You Can, Too!)” on Amazon, and follow her band, Sorrowseed on Twitter @Sorrowseed, Instagram @SorrowseedOfficial, and Facebook @Sorrowseed.

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