February 12, 2020 |
FSC Requests Representation on Cal/OSHA Advisory Committee |
CHATSWORTH, Calif.—The Free Speech Coalition (FSC) has formally requested that a newly created Cal/OSHA advisory committee on the adult industry have adequate representation from industry stakeholders—including performers, performer advocates, producers and PASS doctors. The Cal/OSHA advisory committee was proposed last fall in response to an anonymous petition filed earlier in the year requesting increased regulation of adult sets and other industry workplaces. “We are not opposed to regulations that make our industry safer and stronger,” FSC executive director Michelle L. LeBlanc said. “However, any regulation of our industry must include input from stakeholders in our community. I have spoken to the Standards Board, and put forward a formal request to ensure working performers and others have a seat at the table.” In October, after reviewing the petition, the Cal/OSHA Standards Board called for an advisory committee to consider potential regulations regarding mandatory barrier protection, PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) education, testing reimbursement, consent contracts and workplace safety and performer health issues. LeBlanc first called for industry representation at the Standards Board in December. FSC filed a formal request for inclusion last month, and LeBlanc will travel to next week’s meeting of the Standards Board in Rancho Cordova, near Sacramento, to discuss the committee. “The issues raised by Cal/OSHA are already priorities for FSC,” LeBlanc asserted. “We look forward to engaging with Cal/OSHA and affected stakeholders to define effective and workable regulations for the adult industry.”