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December 30, 2019

How to Remember to Love Yourself

There's no denying it - being a human being isn't always everything it's cracked up to be. Despite what movies or books might tell us about the ideal human being, it isn't out of the ordinary for people to go through periods of self-doubt or even self-hatred. In a truly balanced life, it's essential to have strategies on hand to keep yourself grounded and moving forward instead of stagnating in a pool of self-pity. This isn't always the easiest task. Negative emotions are much more powerful than positive ones.

To help even out the playing field a little bit, keep these tips in mind:

Understand your limitations, and why having them is okay.

It's incredible to think about the sheer variance in human beings. Let's completely forget about the whole tall-short, fat-skinny, or other physical dichotomies. Just think about how varied people are mentally with their skill sets. Some people just can't handle being cooped up inside all day at a desk. Others can't focus on writing tasks, while some people are the complete opposite. It's important to understand your limitations as an important part of you. Whatever you're deficient in, chances are there's another aspect in which you totally excel. There's so much to be skilled at in this world that it's impossible to tick all of the boxes. Understand what you can and can't do. Take time to appreciate what you're good at, while understanding there are certain things you'll need to work around for a satisfying life.

Connect with yourself physically.

Being in your head day in and day out is a surefire way to forget about your physical presence in this world. Take time to appreciate the body in which you inhabit, all of the things it allows you to do, that sort of thing. Give yourself a break if part of your body is in pain, or try a nice relaxing bath to reconnect you to each of your nerves. Releasing some sexual tension can also be a majorly cathartic endeavor. Look up useful resources like Vorgasms if you think your connection to yourself as a sexual being is lacking. To be grounded in reality and love yourself means loving yourself both mentally as well as physically. Take some time to appreciate your physical presence in the world to understand better how your body helps you further your goals.

Treat yourself.

When we let ourselves get caught up in other people's expectations of ourselves, it can be very easy to get down in the dumps. Ultimately, it's only our opinions of ourselves that matter at the end of the day. Cancel any extra responsibilities you took on without fully understanding whether or not you'd be able to handle them, or at least, give yourself a little slack for not being able to get everything you've ever wanted to be done. Once you're at that point, you should do something just for you - something with no time limits, no expectations, and no room for right or wrong.


Learning to love yourself is a long journey that takes a long time for most people to truly master. You should understand that our mental image of what a human being should and shouldn't be is colored by our own personal biases. It doesn't always truly have a place in the real world. Without self-love, you'll have a much more difficult life for little gain. Shift your thinking to give yourself the benefit of the doubt. If you'd do it for someone else, why not for yourself?

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