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November 13, 2019

Good Vibrations, Camouflage Announce Bay Area Food & Shelter Donation Partnerships

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the number of people living in their vehicles in Oakland, CA has more than doubled over two years. In fact, the results of Oakland’s citywide homeless count — a one-day survey conducted every two years — showed 1,430 people living in a vehicle of some kind on January 30, 2019 (the day the count was taken).

“The number of vehicle dwellers skyrocketed from two years earlier, when 618 people were living in their cars, a 131% increase,” the Chronicle wrote.

Meanwhile, in nearby San Francisco, property owners are erecting more and more examples of what VICE calls “anti-homeless architecture” – plywood structures blocking alleys, boulders on sidewalks and spikes covering steps and ledges.

It is within this context that Good Vibrations and Camouflage have announced Bay Area food and shelter donation partnerships.

Good Vibrations and its sibling store Camouflage have partnered with five food banks and shelters near their locations to raise funds that will provide support to their neighbors in need. Participants in GiVe, Good Vibrations’ giving program, and Camo Cares, supported by Camouflage, need only to stop by their nearest store to donate any amount they choose.

The same spirit that moves both brands to encourage and empower people in the realm of pleasure inspires them to support non-profits and charities that provide community support, from food banks to sexual health and wellness services. For forty years, these community-centered businesses have partnered with thousands of local and national non-profit organizations with sponsorships and donation partnerships.

Please see below for information about the food banks and shelter that Good Vibrations and Camouflage will support this season. Bay Area organizations Second Harvest Silicon Valley, SF Marin Food Bank, Alameda County Food Bank and Santa Cruz Second Harvest will be supported by donations collected at California stores. In the Boston, MA area, women’s shelter/food bank Rosie’s Place is the recipient organization for Good Vibrations locations in Cambridge and Brookline.

Donations for these organizations are being collected now through December 31. 100 percent of contribution at the register go directly to GiVe and Camo Cares partners. In addition, Good Vibrations will match a portion of proceeds. Visit any Good Vibrations store or Camouflage to contribute!

About the Partnering Organizations

Palo Alto: Second Harvest Silicon Valley

Founded in 1974, Second Harvest is one of the largest food banks in the nation. Our work is about all of us joining together to make sure we all have access to the most basic need: food. Second Harvest serves an average of 260,000 every month. Every dollar donated creates two nutritious meals for those in need and helps to ensure that we all have the food we need to fully engage in our lives.

SF Stores: SF Marin Food Bank

Our mission is to end hunger in San Francisco and Marin. We envision a community where everyone is able to obtain enough nutritious food — in a dignified manner — to support their and their families’ health and wellbeing. Every $1 you donate provides $5 worth of food.

East Bay Stores: Alameda County Food Bank

Alameda County Community Food Bank partners with 267 nonprofit agencies and a diverse hunger relief network to serve an immense need. This year, we’ll provide the equivalent of 29 million meals; more than half of what we serve is farm-fresh produce. Every $1 you donate provides $7 worth of food.

Boston Stores: Rosie’s Place

Rosie’s Place was founded in 1974 as the first women’s shelter in the United States. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment that helps poor and homeless women maintain their dignity, seek opportunity and find security in their lives. 83 cents of every dollar raised goes directly to services for poor and homeless women.

Santa Cruz (Camouflage and Good Vibrations): Santa Cruz Second Harvest

Founded in 1972, Second Harvest Food Bank was the first food bank in California and the second in the nation. Its mission is working together to end huger through healthy food, education and leadership. Its network of 200 local agencies and programs feeds 55,000 people in Santa Cruz County every month. For every $1 donated they provide 4 healthy meals.


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