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April 24, 2019

Student Paper Battles School Over Story On High School Porn Star

A group of high school journalists and their faculty adviser at Bear Creek High School in Stockton, California, are fighting their school’s administration over an upcoming article that profiles a fellow student, an adult, now working in the porn industry, because the school district administrators worry that the article might be “obscene,” according to a report by KOVR TV News in Sacramento, California.  But the students are not fighting on their own. They have an advocate in their faculty adviser, English teacher Kathi Duffel, who says that her job has been threatened by Lodi Unified School District bosses over the article. But she’s not backing down. “When you are on the side of free speech, you will never lose,” Duffel told the TV station—adding that when she read a letter from the school saying that she could be fired if she refused to let school officials read and approve the article before publication, she cried. The school wants to read the story, scheduled for publication on May 3, to check it for “obscenity, defamation, and incitement.” But Duffel and the student reporter who penned the profile, Bailey Kirkeby, say that the article tells the story of a student who is 18 years old and relies on income from porn to pay rent and bills.  The as-yet-unnamed 18-year-old has been the target of cruel rumors and innuendo at the school, Duffel said, and Kirkeby’s article is intended to allow the student porn performer to tell her own story. “I think a lot of people assume that she’s just the porn star but the story is actually giving her a personality,” Kirkeby said. "I feel like this story really highlights this student's journey and how exactly she got to where she is.” “[This is the] story of a girl who is working legally, in a legal field, and she has every right to have her story told, and my students have every right to tell her story," Duffel told KXTL TV in Sacaramento.  The school district said that it is working with Duffel to allow the article’s publication, but Duffel accused the administrators of attempting to “silence” the students. The two sides appear, at least for now, to have compromised, allowing an independent lawyer to read the article and give it a legal clearance, rather than submitting it to the school district administration.  "I was very surprised at the reaction, especially since the district was very threatening when they contacted us.” Kirkeby said. “This is merely just them trying to prohibit us from free speech.”  Photo By KOVR TV Youtube Screen Capture

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