March 25, 2019 |
Britain’s ‘Mums Make Porn’ Series Called ‘Weirdest Program Ever’ |
A new British reality titled Mums Make Porn, which features, as the title suggests, five ‘mums’ of teenage kids who set out to make their own porn video, has viewers calling it “the weirdest program ever,” and “more shocking than the actual porn,” according to a Sun newspaper report. The show has been receiving generally good reviews, but has also generated controversy over its theme: that only mothers who have no experience producing or even watching porn are qualified to make what the show calls an “ethical” porn film. The show generated headlines after its debut last week for a scene in which the “mums” visit an actual porn set, and one immediately goes into a violent fit of vomiting at the sight of, in her words “bodily fluids.” The show was also criticized by New Statesman writer Rachel Cooke, who found herself irritated at the “moral superiority some parents exude, something they believe they have simply by dint of the fact they’ve managed to reproduce,” referring to the show’s five “mums,” only one of whom acknowledges that she has ever viewed porn before participating in the reality docu-series. The show’s premise, as stated by a narrator, is, “If you can’t stop the next generation watching porn, what would their parents rather they watch?” Ultimately, the mums take inspiration from director Erika Lust, who meets the group of women in Bareclona, Spain. The women then watch as Lust directs what The Sun describes as “a six-strong female orgy featuring crystal sex toys.” The mums come away with a model for their own film. “That was one impressive sex scene," says Mum Emma in the show. “If we can get something like that, that would be amazing.” “This just feels beautiful and normal,” adds Mum Sarah. “This is how it should be done.” Ultimately—and perhaps this is a spoiler alert—the mums successfully collaborate to create a 12-minute video that includes two sex scenes, which Emma describes as “all about the build-up and exploration of the body and about asking.” The show airs just weeks before a new law is set to take effect in the U.K., as has reported, which would require all online porn sites to be blocked, unless viewers are able to upload documents proving that they are at least 18 years old. Photo By Channel 4 Publicity