May 25, 2018 |
Pornhub, HoloFilm Accepting Applications for Pornhub Games |
LOS ANGELES—Pornhub and HoloFilm Productions are casting six women to participate in the first annual Pornhub Games, which will consist of five episodes leading up to the inaugural Pornhub Awards show taking place September 6. Elaborates the casting call for the Pornhub Games, which will be hosted by Asa Akira and sponsored by Chaturbate, "We are looking for energetic girls who love to compete and are willing to go the extra mile to win!" All six chosen participants will receive a shoot and appearance fee, and the top three winners will also receive the following prizes from Pornhub Awards Elite Sponsor Vice Industry Token: 1st place: $10,000 USD equivalent of Vice Crypto Tokens 2nd place: $7,500 USD equivalent of Vice Crypto Tokens 3rd place: $5,000 USD equivalent of Vice Crypto Tokens In addition, each of the winners in the top three categories at the Pornhub Awards will receive $10,000 USD equivalent of Vice Crypto Tokens. Talent selected to take part in the Pornhub Games must be available July 11, 12 & 13 as well as September 6. Those interested in applying to be cast should send photos and links to their social media or work to [email protected]. If the producers consider them suitable for possible inclusion, a full breakdown of details will be sent. Submissions are being accepted until June 1.