September 27, 2016 |
APAG Leadership, Members Vote To Oppose Prop 60 |
LOS ANGELES—The Adult Performers Actors Guild (APAG), in a press release dated today, stated that it has voted to help defend California’s adult industry by joining the fight against the Proposition 60 initiative, the so-called 'condom law,' which would likely force many adult producers and their tax dollars out of state, just as Measure B caused an industry exodus from Los Angeles County. "Our founder [Amanda Gullesserian aka Phyllisha Anne] sold us out to Michael Weinstein and AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) after she refused to swear me in as an elected board member, and relieved me of my duties as Communications Director," said Bella Doll. "As a result, a chilling effect was created over those remaining, who, afraid to speak out, voted to remain neutral on the ballot initiative at that time." Second Vice-President Melissa Hill said that she was forced to deal with the brunt of the fallout. "She [Gullesserian] was behaving erratically, 'firing' and 'hiring' elected officials, threatening litigation, and even attacking me personally through Twitter,” she said. “It was not only incredibly unprofessional and quite the distraction, but Phyllisha Anne's actions have absolutely no force according to our bylaws or to union democracy in general. She tried to use us as a sacrifice. It all makes sense now." Prop 60 is the most serious threat to California’s adult industry in decades, not AIDS, the press release stated, adding that the law would create a new government agency headed by proponent Michael Weinstein himself, with a lifetime mandate and arbitrary administrative control over not only the adult industry, but also CalOSHA. It even supersedes the authority of the CA Attorney General. It would allow, among other things, for any citizen in the state to sue adult producers directly for apparent violations of the law, even though they have suffered no damages. The proposition goes on to offer private citizens a 25%-of-the-fine bounty for finding what might appear to be condomless content which, according to the law, is automatically presumed to be in violation and requires an affirmative defense to prevail in a dispute. Trial lawyers would be the second-biggest winners here, after the proponent, and are poised to engage in a witch hunt for profit. This is an egregious abuse of our judicial system in the false name of safety. Those wishing further information may contact APAG Communications Director Bella Doll by email or by phone at (818) 860-2724. Other information about APAG may be found on its website.