April 18, 2016 |
The Baroness Brittany Bendz Moderates ‘Sex Talk Tuesday’ April 19 |
CYBERSPACE—The Baroness Brittany Bendz will be the guest moderator of Sex Talk Tuesday tomorrow, April 19. The TS porn star will be asking, and responding to, questions about BDSM from Noon-1 p.m. PST/3-4 p.m. EST on Twitter. “I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge, experience, and juicy BDSM stories on this week’s Sex Talk Tuesday,” said The Baroness. “I love exchanging ideas with sexy, open people.” Sex Talk Tuesday is a fun, informative, and sex-positive social media event, where the public can chat with a celebrity guest moderator about the sex topic of the week on Twitter. For more information, click here. For details, click here. Brittany Bendz will also be an in-studio guest on The All Out Show with Rude Jude and Lord Sear today at 2 p.m. PST/5 p.m. EST. The Baroness will catch up with Shade 45 Channel show hosts Rude Jude and Lord Sear live on the Sirius XM show. To listen to the interview, listen on Sirius XM at SiriusXM.com/shade45 and on satellite radio receivers; the show can also be followed on Twitter here and here. Fans may follow Rude Jude here and Lord Sear here. Fans may follow The Baroness Brittany Bendz on her website, BrittanyBendz.com, on Twitter, and on Facebook.