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August 20, 2014

Ezic V3 Debuts with Web Interface Upgrades, Mobile Payment Solutions

CHICAGO—Electronic payment processor Ezic has announced the release of Version 3.0.0, which it says will offer users many benefits, including but not limited to the Web Interface Upgrade, Hosted Mobile Payment Form and Fraud Control. The appearance of the web interface has been revamped, combining visual appeal and efficient navigation. The menus have been restructured to make the most used tools more accessible. Forms and tools were reformatted to simplify data entry. And, lastly, the enhanced logs and lists complete the upgrade adding a better overall presentation. The Form Editor added new features to allow mobile payment acceptance on the gateway. This tool offers users a hosted payment form compatible with mobile devices. For Agents, this means they can equip their merchants with a user-friendly mobile solution. For merchants, broadening their forms of accepted payments leads to increased sales. Furthermore, it serves as the basis for creating a specifically tailored mobile payment solution. Customer care and fraud control were also enhanced through the Chargeback Lookout update. New sources for chargeback notifications add to the existing list of automated notifications users receive to heighten the level of secured transactions. Information storage is streamlined to offer rapid and easy interaction. "We strive to exceed industry standards," said Tanya Castle, Director, Reseller Development. "We are always looking for ways to improve and better serve our users. This upgrade is a key component in continuing the success of Ezic." Additional upgrades are visible in the Storage-Only Transactions, HTML Form Editor, Batch Notifications, Swipe Support, and more. Anyone interested in becoming an Ezic Reseller may visit or call 866.575.EZIC866.575.EZIC for more information. Call

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