June 03, 2013 |
'Inside the Industry' Takes a Musical Tone with Billy Vera |
LOS ANGELES, CA — Singer, songwriter, actor, composer and Grammy award winner Billy Vera will be the special guest on Inside the Industry with hosts James Bartholet and co-host Emy Reyes and Kiki D'aire this Wednesday, June 5. Vera will be discussing his long and successful career, talking about where he sees the music industry going, and promoting his new album and upcoming appearances for the summer. Inside the Industry also continues its contest where a listener can win a free RealTouch male masturbation device from Real Touch, as well as an autographed copy of Not the Wizard of Oz XXX. The show will be heard Wednesday, June 5 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm PT on LATalkRadio.com. Fans can call in live to 323-203-0815 during the show with questions nationwide and join the conversations in the chat room at InsideTheIndustry.net. The program is sponsored by AVN, RealTouch, and SexArt.com. Tony Batman from A! Entertainment News will be calling in on location with his weekly update during his tour of gentlemen’s clubs throughout the country. The program will be heard live Wednesdays from 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm PT and then rebroadcast daily on LA Talk Radio and InsideTheIndustry.net, as well as Cazador Radio on Tuesdays - Thursdays at midnight. It is also available on iTunes. Fans can enter to win weekly contest giveaways that include DVDs or an autographed 8 x 10. Listeners can win by calling in during the show to 323-203-0815 or by emailing Bartholet.